Wednesday, October 30, 2013

In Need of Sleep

I know I've mentioned it before, but sleep is still elusive here. I hate to complain because the snuggles are nice, I know it won't last forever, and we could have much worse problems, but I am tired. Very tired. It is definitely starting to affect other parts of my life. I feel much more disheveled. Not that I was completely put together before, but now I just feel like a mess. And I am sure that there are lots of things that I could do to change that, but sleeping would definitely be the best. 

I get maybe two to three hours at night that Peanut will sleep on his own. That doesn't leave much time for getting anything done, and it seems all aspects of our life are suffering. The house is not in a state where I feel comfortable having company as I am behind on cleaning. Laundry isn't happening as quickly as I would like, and often stays clean but unfolded until it is time to do another load. I haven't been good about meal planning and prepping, and I seem to be constantly rushing and forgetting things. I am living in fear of Sunday since we'll be changing the clocks and I'm afraid that will just make things worse. I would love to simplify our lives and I think that is a step that we will have to take.

But for now, I just want sleep.

So peaceful, if only he would do this all night...

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