Sunday, July 27, 2014


Making: Lunches.
Cooking: Side dishes for the (new) barbecue dinners.
Drinking: Water, but still a little too much soda.
Reading: Nothing interesting, looking for something good (and the time to read it)
Wanting: A baby monitor so that we can be outside after the boys are in bed.
Looking: Forward.
Playing: In the backyard.
Sewing: Still nothing, still can't really sew.
Wishing: That we were all unpacked.
Enjoying: The weather, and spending a little more time outside.
Waiting: For the dryer to finish.
Liking: That both boys are thrilled with simple summer things, like playing ball and ice cream for dessert.
Wondering: When Peanut will sleep through the night.
Loving: That when one boy hugs me, the other has to as well.
Hoping: That we will be able to do all that we wanted to this summer.
Marveling: How fast this summer is going.
Needing: An outdoor table so that we can take advantage of the nice weather while it is here.
Smelling: The fresh air coming through the window.
Wearing: Shorts and a tee, seems to be my summer uniform this year.
Following: Peanut as he throws balls into bushes.
Noticing: The curl that's starting at the back of Peanut's head.
Knowing: That while there is so much to do, not all of it matters.
Thinking: That they are growing too fast.
Feeling: Tired, but happy.
Bookmarking: Activities and crafts to try to do with Munchkin.
Opening: Boxes, trying to find missing items.
Giggling: While playing on the grass.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Getting Back To Things

Before I moved, I figured that I would throw a Fourth of July barbecue/party in our new backyard. I had convinced myself that I would be completely unpacked, organized and company ready a week after moving day.

Here I am almost a month later, and we are still living out of boxes. There is so much for us to do before I feel comfortable having people over, some painting projects that didn't get finished before we moved in, some furniture that we still need, as well as the unpacking that has to be finished. I almost want to go back in time two months and laugh at myself for thinking that this would be so easy.

But life goes on, and summer has been pretty good to us. The weather has been nice, and we've been busy. Now is the time that I need to start getting back into a routine, as everything has been thrown off for a while now. I almost feel like I'm treading water, and need a fresh start to move forward. And I want to move forward before I loose this time. The boys will only be little for short while, even Munchkin is starting to seem so big to me, and I want to actually feel like I am here with them, not just around them.

What kind of changes do you make when you need fresh start?


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