Sunday, April 14, 2013

Bringing the Animals to the Zoo

Earlier this week I brought the boys to the Bronx Zoo. It was a beautiful seventy-something day, and Peanut's first trip.

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Just chillin' with the peacocks

We were lucky enough to meet up with my sister-in-law and nephews. Munchkin was running around like crazy with his cousin and it made me realize that my days of going to the zoo solo were over for a while.

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I had gotten so used to my trips with Munchkin, that I didn't think how throwing another child in the mix would change things (even if that child is still to young to move and stays in the stroller).

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We're looking forward to a lot of trips with uncles (and Daddy). How do you handle these kind of trips with multiple children?

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Thursday, April 11, 2013

King of the Playground

So I obviously fail at blogging. I was supposed to be working on my Rookie Mom Challenge this weekend, but instead, I was working on this.

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In other news, Munchkin is now three years old. And I'm not sure how that happened, because it definitely doesn't feel like three years have gone by.

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We did the party low key this year, just a few friends in the park. With Peanut, I was not going to be able to go all out, especially since I can't even seem to find the time to type a few blog posts.

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Luckily the weather cooperated with us, and what three year old doesn't love to to be king of the playground?

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