About Me

Three years ago, everything changed. Three years ago, I changed, so I'm not sure where to start. Who I am now? Who I was then? What I'm trying to get back? I guess I'll start at the beginning.

I was a bit of a princess.

And at twenty-one, I met my prince. Seven years later, we got married.

Life was blissful. We had a wonderful apartment in a luxury building. We had friends who we went out with regularly. We even had a pub where we were regulars. Then came Munchkin.

And Peanut.

Now I stay at home with my boys. We don't get out with friends as much, and I doubt that they would recognize us at the pub anymore. We have had to cut back on a lot of expenses since I'm not working (for a paycheck, you can't tell me that I don't work), and that includes moving to a place that doesn't have granite counter-tops and gorgeous sunset views.

So now I'm trying to navigate this new world that we live in, and not lose myself along the way. This blog is about me, where so much of my life is now about someone else.


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