Sunday, March 4, 2012

So now I have plans for August

I'm going to BlogHer.

I'm shocked that I was able to convince my husband that I should go. Obviously, I have a lot of work to do here, and I don't just mean in the design. But he agreed that it would be a good idea, and the fact that it is local enough that I didn't need a hotel room was definitely a perk.

I'm still working on Bloggy Boot Camp, but that is really just a matter of if I am going to be staying (and if they want to come to Philadelphia with me).

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Change is hard

Why was I having such a hard time pulling the trigger on changing my twitter name? I was never that attached to my original name, so what gives? It's because change is hard. And scary.

What is even scarier is when change happens around you. I've been away for too long, just about completely out of the loop. While going through my rss reader and twitter list, I saw how much everyone else changed. People had babies, people are pregnant, people are no longer blogging.

Just as other people have changed, I have to as well. As of tonight, I can be found on twitter at @iamjustkaybee. And soon, my domain will be updated too. This is no longer the new baby adventures, since the baby isn't new, and can hardly even be called a baby anymore. I'm not a new mommy, I'm just kaybee.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Happy New Year!

Photo by Creativity103

So much for getting the redesign completed for the new year.

I still have a ton to do, but I am going to take another pass at the #SITS31DBBB challenge. Hopefully that will help me finish the redesign that I've been working on for what seems like forever.

By tonight, I'm hoping that I'll have the new domain and twitter name set up.

Things aren't working for me the way that they are at the moment, as evidenced by the fact that I haven't posted in two months. I'm hoping that participating in this challenge will help me to refocus so that this blog works for me instead of just being work.

Here's to an exciting new year!


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