Thursday, October 10, 2013

Pumpkins and More Pumpkins

Over the weekend we made or annual trip up to the pumpkin patch near the boys' great-grandmother. We've always had fun, Munchkin would run around while I got great shots of him surrounded by orange before heading off to lunch and quality time with his great-grandmother.

This year did not work out exactly as planned. The weather wasn't on our side, and while I did get one decent family photo, which was very needed, Peanut didn't get to experience the pumpkins and I didn't get any pictures of just the boys since I couldn't put Peanut down on the wet, muddy ground. Munchkin still enjoyed himself putting pumpkins into his wagon, but I was disappointed in the pumpkin part of the morning.

So yesterday I took advantage of the weather and brought the boys to a local patch. It was perfect, the ground was dry, it wasn't crowded and there were pumpkins everywhere. I was able to get my shots of the boys surrounded by orange.

Peanut was fascinated by the leaves and barely looked up, and once again Munchkin was more interested in filling a wagon, but I love the pictures that I got. They are perfectly imperfect. Over the weekend most of the pictures focused on Munchkin, and Peanut seemed to suffer from Second Child Syndrome (which is a post for another time). Yesterday I was able to focus on Peanut and give him the attention that he deserves.

Linking up with Mama Kat.
5.) Pumpkin patch post!

Mama’s Losin’ It


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Great photos. Third Child Syndrome is even worse than Second Child Syndrome. In fact, I was looking for my 3rd's 1st birthday photos this week, and they are nowhere to be found! Talk about mommy guilt!



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