Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Feeding Baby Part 1: Breastfeeding Supplies

This post has been a long time coming, as I basically have been breastfeeding for the past fifty-one months, with the exception of the nine months I was pregnant with Peanut. As this is World Breastfeeding Week, I figure that this is as good a time as any. Here are some items that I have found the most useful, especially in the beginning.

Nursing Pillow - I personally use the Boppy, and it works great for me. I'm still using the same pillow that I got as a shower gift for Munckin, although I did get new covers this time around. We brought it to the hospital for both boys, our friends and family used it to hold the boys, both boys used it to help them learn how to sit, and of course for nursing. When Peanut first came home we would use the Boppy to help Munchkin hold him. It is definitely one of my most used baby product hands down.

Nursing Bras - Hands down my favorite brand was Bravado. Before Munchkin was born, I went to a maternity store and was fitted for nursing bras. I cannot remember what brands I ended up with, but they were just ok. I had a sleeping bra and two daytime bras, and I do not at all regret getting them, I am so glad that I went and got fitted. I don't remember when I discovered Bravado, but I was much happier once I did. I had a Body Silk Seamless and an Allure bra and I loved how they fit and how easy it was to nurse in them. Towards the end of my pregnancy with Peanut, I got the Original Nursing Bra to use for sleeping and around the house.

Nursing Cover - With Munchkin, I had a Bebe Au Lait nursing cover, and it worked for us. I was not all that comfortable, so I wasn't nursing in public all that often. If I was at someone's house, I would excuse myself to another room. We only had to use the cover a handful of times before he was just too big to tolerate it. Peanut couldn't stand the cover from the beginning, and I had much better luck just using an Aden and Anais blanket.

Shower Hug - I didn't find this in time for Munchkin, but it was a godsend with Peanut. In the early days of nursing, my nipples were so sensitive that I couldn't even stand for the water in the shower to hit them. With Munchkin, I literally held a washcloth over my breasts, but that was not even a little convenient, and didn't always work. I used this with Peanut, and it saved me. Time in the shower was so much more limited, and I didn't want to waste a second. This was worth every penny.

Breast Shells - Again, something that I don't think that I could have lived without in the early days. I personally used the Avent Comfort Breast Shells. I wore them when I was engorged around the house as well as wearing them while nursing. With Munchkin, I only had a single breast pump, and I wore it while pumping.

Nipple Cream - I didn't use this as much with Munchkin, and looking back I wish that I had. With Peanut I used Earth Mama Angel Baby Natural Nipple Butter. I kept it on my nightstand and it definitely worked for me.

Breast Pads - There are a lot of options here, and I found them completely necessary for the first few months. This time I used the Avent Day and Avent Night pads. I was not completely happy that they aren't very environmentally friendly, but the convenience factor was huge for me and it was definitely worth my sanity. I considered using Bamboobies to mix into the rotation, but by the time I got around to it, I wasn't using the pads as often and it didn't seem worth it to spend the money.

Avent Breastcare Essentials Set - This was filled with great useful things, and it made a convenient place to store some other items as well. I definitely used the cold packs a lot more than I used them warm, but I was so happy to have them. And I really liked the breastpads, buying more packages to replace what I used.


  1. Perfect timing! I just added some of these to my list.

    I tried the re-usable breast pads and found they just leaked straight through. I was worried about increased chance of infection and didn't feel like buying enough to last a laundry cycle, even if we did laundry every other day for R.

    1. I forgot about the laundry factor on the reusable pads, that was definitely part of the reason that I didn't go with reusable from the beginning.



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