Thursday, September 23, 2010

Writer's Workshop: 10 Reasons Why I Love My Job

Things have gotten surprisingly busy for me these past two weeks, and it doesn't seem like it is going to let up anytime soon. So my redesign is currently on the back burner, but I will finish it all eventually. Hopefully sooner rather than later. But for now, Mama Kat had a prompt this week that I didn't want to let pass by.

1. I don't have to spend 3 hours commuting every day. (Up hill. Both ways. In the snow...)

2. Having more time to spend with my husband. It used to be that I would leave for work before my husband and come home after him, not leaving us a lot of time together. Now we have dinner together at a reasonable time, as well as some grown-up time after we put the baby to bed.

3. Being able to see friends and family when I want to. I am no longer limited to the weekends.

4. Getting outside in nice weather. My son is a big fan of the outdoors, so we both get to benefit from lots of fresh air. I'm not sure what will happen once winter comes.

5. The excited look my son gets on his face when I go to pick him up. He'll kick his legs and reach his arms out for me.

6. I get to cheer my son on as he tries new things. I can watch the determination on his face as he pushes his limits, like when he was trying to sit up on his own. He would quickly lift his arms up off the floor and try to balance himself before he has to put them back down again. He would get so proud of himself, and would give me a great big smile when I would applaud him.

7. Even though no one else wants to hear me sing, my son loves when I sing to him.

8. I don't feel like I am "missing" things that my son does. My husband was pretty upset that he missed the first laugh.

9. Great big belly laughs and little baby giggles.

10. Gummy smiles. That are just for me.

Mama's Losin' It

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