Thursday, November 13, 2014

Still Singing Along

The other day I was driving home from drop off, when Stay by Lisa Leob came on the radio. Even though I have next to no voice at the moment, I couldn't help but sing along, taking me right back to high school. I don't know what it was about the lyrics that spoke to me back then when life seemed especially angsty and drama-filled.

High school was a very volatile time, as I am sure that it was for a lot of people. With the break-ups, make-ups and changing friendships, everything seemed to be vitally important and the absolute end of the world. Honestly, I can't think of a relationship at that time that this song fit perfectly, although I thought that it had been written for me.

And now, twenty years after it came out, when I hear this song I am still that high school girl freaking out over what's his name and changing friendships. I am still that college student having issues with her boyfriend. I am still that young woman in her twenties, not sure where she is going in life.

There are a few songs that just need to be belted when heard, and Stay is one of them. I remember countless drives with girlfriends blasting this song into the night. I remember a karaoke bachelorette party, our entire group singing at the top of our lungs even though we were taking time out from singing to eat cake.

Karaoke about seven weeks pregnant and trying to keep that secret. Fun times.

So while this song might not fit my life now, it will always hold a special place in my karaoke (or car or shower) repertoire.

Linking up with Mama Kat
6. What was your favorite song when you were 16 years old…is it still a favorite?

Mama’s Losin’ It


  1. Joining you from Mama Kat's site. Stay was a favorite of mine too except I was in college when it came out. It perfectly portrayed that confused feeling over a first love. And I still belt out the words when it comes on.

    1. It really just is one of those songs.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. We all have those songs that shaped our lives! Thanks for stopping by my blog today and leaving a comment!

  3. Lol...Ethan Hawke directed that video. It's a good song.

    1. I loved that video when I was younger, didn't realize that Ethan Hawke directed it.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Aw - I remember that bachelorette party (wink!). And of course that song. And belting it out with you. DEFINITELY one of those songs.



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