Back before Peanut was born, I was in desperate need of a new diaper bag. I was having a hard time deciding, but I ended up getting both the timi & leslie messenger bag as well as the Skip*Hop Grand Central. Early on, when I needed to be carrying a lot, I mostly used the Grand Central, saving the messenger bag for shorter trips. But as I needed less for Peanut, and Munchkin potty trained, the Grand Central has mostly been used for long trips (like visits to the in-laws), and the messenger bag has been my go to.
After nearly two years, both bags are broken. The Grand Central caught on something and tore one of the outer pockets, completely my fault, but still disappointing. It is still usable, but not always the most convenient bag for me. Just before Halloween, the cross body strap broke on my messenger bag, making it completely unusable.
Both bags served me well, and were well worth getting, but they weren't perfect. What I want is a bag that is loved like this bag is loved. A bag that I keep coming back to just because. In my search for a solution, I came across the Storksak Bobby, and I think that it could be that bag. If only it wasn't so cost prohibitive. (Although to be completely fair, I've thought that with every bag that I've ever gotten, not just diaper bags, I am notoriously fickle when it comes to bags.) I will probably end up replacing the broken strap for my messenger bag, but with Christmas coming up, a girl can dream.
*Amazon links are affiliate
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