Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Best Summer Treat

Today, we made our first trip of the year to the NY Renaissance Faire. I'll have a full post and more pictures up soon, but I wanted to share one of my favorite things about the faire. I have been going since I was a child, and the frozen orange was something that I always had to get. I had stopped going in my twenties and didn't start again until after Munchkin was born. A few things had changed, but I was so glad to discover that they still had the frozen orange. It isn't exactly how I remember it, I don't remember ever using a spoon and the top I believe is new, but it is still wonderful.

Partially eaten because I didn't want to wait...


  1. That's half an hour from my house!

    1. Have you guys ever been? It is a lot of fun. Lulu might be a little young, but there are a bunch of games that Cole could play. They also have shows and jousts and fun things to watch.



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