Monday, November 11, 2013

Simple Goals

I love making lists, I am just not very good at the follow through. Kristin recently wrote about her four simple goals, and I knew that it was something that I had to do as well. We are already almost two weeks into November, and this year is slipping by so quickly. I started off the year with a long list of things to do, and for the most part dropped them when Peanut was born. I love the idea and rules of this challenge (as explained by A Beautiful Mess), and think that this is a great way to end the year on a positive note.

Before we reach 2014, I plan to:

  1. Do holiday crafts with the boys - I had huge plans for this last year, and it all fell through due to me being tired and pregnant and then sick and pregnant.
  2. Build on our holiday traditions - I've always been a huge fan of Christmas, and I really want the boys to feel the same way. I'm hoping to take some of the traditions of my family and my husband's family and make them our own.
  3. Create a night time routine - With not sleeping I haven't had much me time, and I need to figure out how to take care of myself and do what I need to.
  4. Read a book for fun - This is something that I used to do all the time, and it's been seriously lacking recently.

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