This past month has been rough. Sleep has been no existent as Peanut has decided that he will only sleep if I am holding him. I get him to take maybe an hour long nap in the morning, even less likely to get one in the afternoon, and he may sleep for an hour on his own at night. Sometimes he will sleep in hour long stretches over night, but the past few nights the only way to get him to sleep is to sleep next to him, which does not lead to a very good sleep for me. I am exhausted and barely functioning during the day, but life moves on, and I don't get to stop taking care of Munchkin just because I didn't sleep last night.
Something had to give, and recently it's been this blog. I very obviously didn't finish NaBloPoMo, but I also think that was a bit ambitious for me. So I am going to start a bit smaller, but I do plan on continuing. I have been feeling a little lost recently and I hope that writing here will help me sort things out, but that is a post for another time.