Saturday, February 16, 2013

Is a bag just a bag?

There is so much that they say that you need when you are expecting a baby. Since this is number two, I know that I don't need that much, but one thing that I do need is a new diaper bag. Recently I put out a call on my personal Facebook to see what people recommended, and I did not get a very large response. Most of the suggestions were for backpacks, L. L. Bean style. While I am sure that is extremely functional and great for some people, it really isn't for me. My favorite bag so far (and I've had a couple) was the timi & leslie Messenger Bag, which I used until I broke the strap off this past fall.

I loved that I could wear it cross-body or as a shoulder bag, and I found the flap closure helpful when I had filled it a little too much to get it closed. I loved that it was casual enough that I could bring it with me to baseball games, the park, places it might get dirty.

When it broke, I went back to the timi & leslie Dawn bag I had been using before. It is a nice bag and I do love it, but it isn't organized the way I need for another child as well as being a bit heavier than I would like.

So now comes the problem of figuring out what I do need. I am tempted to just get the messenger bag again, but I'm not convinced that it will carry all I need it to for the first few months. I also thought about getting the 2-in-1 Backpack, since it is slightly bigger, but not too different in style. Having the option to use it as a backpack might come in handy when I have the baby in our Ergo. Another bag I am seriously considering is the Skip*Hop Grand Central, but it is not perfect. While I definitely think that the pockets and organization are great and it will easily carry everything I need, it is an open bag which is not ideal. But the real deal-breaker is that it doesn't have a cross-body strap. If it had that strap, it would probably be my number one choice.

What bag did (or do) you use?

Thursday, February 14, 2013

It's Almost Time

For the end of my pregnancy, that is. I'm slowly working on things, but by the end of the month there will be a new baby around here. I can't believe how fast this time has gone, although it does also feel like I've been pregnant forever. I am also at the point where I feel huge and completely uncomfortable.

Two weeks ago
But as uncomfortable as I am, I know that this is the end of my time alone with my son. Very soon, there will be a new little person demanding most (if not all) of my time. And while my life will be changing, so will my son's. So while there is still so much that I have to get done before time is up, I am trying as hard as I can to spend as much time with him as possible.

While big boy bed shopping

A few small changes

Photo by Anonymous Account

I'm slowly working, and there are a few new changes. I've set up a new temporary design as I work on something more permanent. I have also set up some new social media accounts with the temporary design. I  have a Facebook page, a Google+ page and can now be found on Twitter at @justkaybee, which is a (relatively) new name. I am also setting up a new rss feed, so if you get this in a reader, you will need to update the feed.

All of these links can be found in my sidebar on the right.

There are going to be many more changes coming, but I wanted to update you on what was happening so far. I also have a few real posts coming soon, so hopefully things will start picking up around here.


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