Sunday, November 20, 2011

Writer's Workshop a few days late

While I'm busy working on the behind the scenes work here, I thought that I would get another post up this week. Of course, I had every intention on getting it up on Thursday, but life got in the way.

3.) Married? Tell us the story of how the question was popped.

It was the holiday party time of year, and on Tuesday I decided that I had nothing to wear to my boyfriend's office party that Friday. So off to the mall we went.

But I was not having a good night, it felt like the fates were conspiring against me. First, my boyfriend was late coming home from work so we got a very late start, then I couldn't find anything that I liked. It felt like everything I tried on just made me look awful. So when we returned home empty handed, I was in full pout mode.

That was when my boyfriend said to me "I'm sorry you couldn't find anything, but I hope that you'll wear this," and he knelt next to me with a closed box in his hand.

I was not sure what to think, after six years I had convinced myself that since he wouldn't open the box it had to be earrings.

That was when he asked me to marry him. Turns out he was late because he was meeting with my dad.

I may have worn an old outfit to the party, but I was busy showing off my new ring all night long.

Linking up with Mama Kat

Mama’s Losin’ It

Sunday, November 13, 2011

And it just kept coming...

A bit over a year ago, while I was still a blissfully sleep deprived new mother, there was an "incident". I had never had to deal with a blow-out diaper, but there is always a first time for everything. Luckily, I was at home. Unluckily, it was a work day, so it was just me and the baby.

I was shocked when I discovered that "stuff" had come out of the diaper, up the back and even at the legs. I believe that there was a bit of yelling on my part as I pulled off the diaper. The baby found this wildly entertaining, which caused him to laugh. And pee. Which made me yell even more. Which lead to more laughter.

Cue the pooping. Across the changing table. I don't think that I ever knew how forcefully that could happen. At this point, the baby as stopped laughing and started to cry, probably because of how much louder I was now yelling. I'm standing there, cleaning up the messy (again) baby, as well as the poopy changing table cover, and trying to stop the baby from putting his feet in it. All the while, swearing that my husband will be changing every diaper from here on out.

It was not long after the "incident" that we started to use disposable changing pad covers.

I received information about Clorox’s Bleach It Away campaign and am sharing my messy moment for the chance to win prizes from The SITS Girls. To learn more about the messy moment program, check out  Sharing your story on the Clorox fan page gets you entered for the chance to win $25,000 and daily prizes, and you can grab a coupon for Clorox® Regular Bleach.

I promise I wasn't lying (exactly)

I know that I said that I would be back soon, writing regularly. That was months ago.

This week I am planing on working on the changes and at least get them started. It's my goal to get the redesign finished in time for the new year.

But first, there will be new posts. Starting this week. So stay tuned.


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